Sunday, December 26, 2010

DEC 25 2010

Photo. a present to yourself. Sift through all the photos of you
from the past year. Choose one that best captures you; either who you are,
or who you strive to be. Find the shot of you that is worth a thousand
words. Share the image, who shot it, where, and what it best reveals about

This image was shot by Francesco's at his family cottage. I am most at home in a natural setting. The water is so happy and sparkling and the sun is shining bright, the tress are rooted, standing tall and still. This photo is a celebration of my connection to the Divine. One with the trees, waters, earth, air, fire and space.

DEC 24 2010

Everything's OK. What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead?

The one moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright is when my little nephew Nicholas was born. Just five days old today, he has already brought an abundance of peace and joy to our family and friends this holiday season. I was honored to witness his very first breath as I was there when he entered the world. During my sister's labor, an array of emotions stirred throughout the birthing room. There were moments when I felt worried and fearful that something could go wrong as this tiny miracle worked his way out of the womb and into our arms. All I could do was support, hope and stay calm for my sister and ignore the fact that a part of me was as terrified, nervous and excited as could ever be. Then the pushing began and suddenly I could see the top of his head and there were these few minutes when he was between the birth canal and the bed sheets and I just wanted him out and free so that I could see that he was OK. The moment when his little self was finally fully out was so emotional and relieving that all we could do was let out a huge sigh and burst into tears! Not only was everything alright but we filled with joy and ecstasy to see this tiny miracle occur. This moment was full of wonder, excitement and shear awe. It was a reminder of how precious life is and how lucky I am to be alive.
I will incorporate that discovery into 2011 by remembering what a gift it is to be alive, to appreciate the simple things in life and not to sweat the small stuff.

DEC 23 2010

New name. Let's meet again, for the first time. If you could introduce yourself to strangers by another name for just one day, what would it be and why?

BIANCA. In Italian Bianco means white and when I think of the colour white I think of purity and light. I am soothed by the image of pure white light shinning infinite and bright that I sometimes in meditation when I am feeling most centered and still . To me, white feels calm and clear, without distraction and completely peaceful. I would love to introduce myself to strangers as Bianca for one day and that my name could spread peace.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

DEC 22 2010

Travel. How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?

In 2010 I went to Cuba on my first all-inclusive vacation and explored Havana, I stayed at two beautiful cottages up north, I spent a week with my family in Wasaga beach.

Next year I am off to NYC on January 5th for my birthday, going to Ft. Lauderdale on Jan 26th for one week and in April I will be adventuring in Costa Rica for two weeks, all with my sweetheart.
I would like to spend time up north again in the summer and another week with my family sometime in August.

DEC 21 2010

Future self. Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would
you give your current self for the year ahead? (Bonus: Write a note to
yourself 10 years ago. What would you tell your younger self?)

Five years from now I see myself running a wellness center, specializing in yoga therapy, teaching yoga, meditation and pranayama, being a mother, married to a wonderful husband who adores me, looking good and keeping in vibrant health. The advice I have for myself for the year ahead is: keep studying, keep practicing, be true to your heart, go after your dreams, set goals and review them every month, keep close with family, keep open to possibilities, let people in on your plans and don't be afraid to ask for help.

A note to myself 10 years ago:

Dear Lisa,

You are exploring, experimenting and discovering yourself through play. Do not take everything too seriously as this phase is only to shape your future and help to reveal your true destiny. The journey is lifelong and always changing however when it is time you will see very clearly the path that you will follow and it will feel exactly right in your heart, your mind and your body. Life is full of challenges and sometimes we need to break down in order to build back up on top of fresh foundation. Do not be afraid to fail as these failures will reveal your truth. Do not be afraid to go against what others may influence you to do. Listen to your heart and trust your intuition. Take some time to sit and breathe and observe your thoughts and emotions. See what is inside yourself and know your habits well. Always leave room for change and growth and see the wonders that will come your way. Be understanding towards others as they too are finding themselves in their own way and on their own time. You can do anything you set yourself out to do. Keep things simple and be patient. Practice goodness and all good things will be revealed.

Monday, December 20, 2010

DEC 20 2020

Beyond avoidance. What should you have done this year but didn't
because you were too scared, worried, unsure, busy or otherwise deterred
from doing? (Bonus: Will you do it?)

A food cleanse. I almost did one for the winter and then bailed. I think I felt like I needed someone else to guide me along and hold my hand. I also wanted someone to do the cleanse with me and in the end I thought it seemed like too much work. I was scared I wouldn't have enough fuel, worried that I wouldn't have time to prepare, unsure what it would do to my already very sensitive digestive system and felt too busy. A pile of excuses.
I will do a spring cleanse.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

DEC 19 2010

Healing. What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011?

Drip by drip by drip by drip by drip by drip by drip by drip by drip by drip...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

DEC 18 2010

Try. What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it? (Author: Kaileen Elise)

A Vipassana retreat, ballroom dancing, pole dancing, handstands into back bends and vice versa, surfing and zip lining.

I tried out a few things that I always wanted to try in 2010
such as dropping back into backbends, going to mysore, studying with D.R and running 5k a few times a week. I went for it all and now these are the things that I do regularly. I have expanded my repertoire.

DEC 17 2010

Lesson Learned. What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? And how will you apply that lesson going forward? (Author: Tara Weaver)

I have high expectations and desires. As I delve deeper into my meditation practice I notice that I am clouded with expectations that I have for myself and others as well as a strong desire to change things. I am aware and I see that when I am driven by expectation and desire I am actually moving farther away from my spiritual path and right way. I am no master or expert, nor can I say that this is a lesson entirely learned however I can say that I have realized, I am aware and I see the seed of my troubles. I am moving forward with this everyday by reflected on my behavior, actions and habitual patterns and I know that I will dig up that seed many times before it is weak enough and has no more energy to keep sprouting. I am cultivating a garden of patience, contentment, purity, non-violence and truth. If I do not tend to my garden daily, I will have more weeds to dig up. I will continue to do the things that I know help me to stay connected to my individual soul and the universal soul. Practice Yoga.

Friday, December 17, 2010

DEC 16 2010

Friendship. How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst?

My friends are very inspiring and are almost all working to create positive changes in the world. My best friend Andrea Maldonado has changed me and my perspective on the world by keeping me alert and aware of my daily contributions to bettering the universe. Andrea is working for The Stop Community Food Centre's at the Green Barn's after-school program teaching children about the food system. I have been friends with Andrea for over six years now and she has always been engaged in projects and activities that bring awareness to pressing issues regarding sustainable food and housing as well as ways for people to contribute to keeping our world a greener place. I was born and raised in a very Italian community in the suburbs where materialistic people are not to hard to find. It seems that status can be largely dependent on the amount of money one has or may look like they have and that the more high end materials one can own or acquire, the more respect given. I grew up in high school under the assumption that Diesel Jeans and BMW's were the kinds of things that got you ahead in life. Once I expanded my horizon, moved away from home and began associating with different kinds of thinkers, I broke free from my narrow minded outlook and began realizing that there were more important things in life to focus on than my image. I met Andrea in Halifax in the summer of 2004. We were both from Toronto and she was there visiting my roommate Chelsi for a week. I could see right away that she was a very intelligent, inspiring, tough skinned and beautiful girl. Andrea ended up staying with us for the entire summer and we became very close. She became my dear friend, teacher, sister and confident and we have remained friends ever since. Andrea encourages me to stand on my own feet and face the world in it's rawest of forms, to fight for what I want, to believe in myself and know that I can make a difference. She continues to inspire me daily reminding me that life is not about what you have, it's about what you do. I am humbled by her actions and her example. Andrea makes me want to be a better person everyday. I feel very lucky to call her my best friend.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pranayama workshop: Enhance your energy and recharge your body

Come and experience the power of Pranayama: the science of breath control. Pranayama is practiced to keep the body in vibrant health in order to magnify our life energy through various traditional breathing practices. The workshop will provide instruction and practice of Pranayama techniques that you can integrate into your current practice.

DATE: January 2, 2011

TIME: 2:00-4:00pm

PRICE: member - $25, non-member - $30

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

5 minutes. Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in
five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most
want to remember about 2010.
Lindsay Thomas
Yoga in Cuba
Olivia saying her name right
My sister announcing she is pregnant
Teaching at Stratusphere
Making fun of Kevin
My new bedroom
Rock of Ages
Adam coming to visit
Francesco taking my classes at Hot Yoga Wellness and asking me for a private lesson
Teas with Janette
Moldy muffs
My tampon incident
Costa Rica bookings
Night in Light
Drop backs
Baby Jessica
Baby Arianna

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

DEC 14 2010

Appreciate. What’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it? (Author: Victoria Klein)

Family. I have always appreciated my family but this year I have come to especially appreciate them. I moved back in with my family after years of "gypsy'ing" around and I thought that this would only last a few months. As I made my transition back from India and into a new career plan I found myself nesting in my parents home and now almost two full years later, I am still here and I part of me never wants to leave. I feel the support that my family gives to me more now than ever before. I know that although I drive them crazy with things like leaving lights on and stuff being out of order, they are very happy to have me around. I feel a part of a very special thing and my little niece is the very center of it all. We are expecting another member to the family just before Christmas (we hope!) and I am so grateful to be around to give my time, support and helping hand.
I am terrible at expressing my gratitude for my family. I mean, I make little attempts to respect their ideas, thank them for the little things they do for me, make sure that I am cleaning up after myself (although that could always use some improving), help with the dishes and be around for my niece and things like that but I could take more time out of my busy schedule to do more to make their lives easier. I know that a good house cleaning chore is much appreciated by my mother and that can really take a load off her shoulders. I find it so difficult to allot time for these things as I am always rushing around with work and other obligations. I guess this is a good time to think of the many ways that I can express my gratitude for my family and take action. Good prompt.

DEC 13 2010

Action. When it comes to aspirations, its not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen. What's your next step?

I aspire to enhance the focus on living healthy and whole in my own life and in my teachings. I am presently taking action by investigating my own health conditions further in various ways. I am covering my tracks and checking in with medical doctors requesting tests be done to ensure that all of my subtle symptoms are looked into further and will be addressed. I will see some specialists to get different opinions and have already taken suggested blood analysis to ensure that my parts are working as expected. I am also planning to take action in my own health and wellness by continuing my commitment to my asana practice and will now recommit myself to a regular pranayama and meditation practice in order to ensure that my subtle body is in tune and purifying on a weekly basis. As far as enhancing a more healthy and wholesome lifestyle in the community, I am teaching a pranayama workshop on Jan.2 2011 at Stratusphere Yoga to introduce these practices to people in the community in order to share the tools to help them enhance their everyday lives. I also have plans in the works to enroll in a meditation course in the new year in order to bring this practice to my students on a weekly basis.
I also plan to be in touch with a few studios and continue to investigate my options to become a certified yoga therapist in order to help address issues that are hindering others from living a peaceful life.
These are my plans for 2011. The next step is to put in the necessary efforts in order to see this all come into fruition.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

DEC 12 2010

Body Integration This year, when did you feel the most integrated with your body? Did you have a moment where there wasn’t mind and body, but simply a cohesive YOU, alive and present? (Author: Patrick Reynolds)

This would be the same answer as my DEC 3RD promt.

DEC 11 2010

11 Things What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? (Author: Sam Davidson)

-Guilt : i will remind myself that if i am always trying to be the best i can be then i should not allow myself to feel guilt.
-Anger : i will keep a dedicated pranayama/meditation practice in order to be more patient, understanding and to avoid unnecessary confrontations.
-Worry: i will remember to look at things with a hopeful eye and practice to keep a positive perspective.
-Excuses: i will keep my goals in check and recognize when i am making excuses to steer away from my desired path.
-To lose anymore things: i will go slower, act mindfully and double check if i have left something behind.
-A Mess: i will clean up after myself right away.
-More emails: i will create another email address to separate my work emails from my personal.
-Phone Trouble: if my iphone unlock is not available by jan 1 i will save up to purchase the new iphone.
-More Work: i will accept invites to meet and network with a clear message that i am not looking for more work opportunities at this time.
-Another Bikini: no more victoria secret catalog shopping.
-Negative Energy: keep up my yoga practices daily, recognize negative energy and create a critical distance.
-oops that's 12!

This will change my life for obvious reasons.

DEC 10 2010

Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? (Author: Susannah Conway)

The wisest decision I made this year was to listen to my heart and take a risk and now I have a very special sweetheart!

DEC 9 2010

Party. What social gathering rocked your socks off in 2010? Describe the people, music, food, drink, clothes, shenanigans. (Author: Shauna Reid)
I have to choose the last big party I attended which was Lululemon's Night in Light Gala celebrating 10 years in Toronto. The people were pumped up and extremely happy. This is a community promoting great focus in supporting and inspiring one other to be bigger and do better. The music was loud and pumping, the food was healthy, the drinks were free, the clothes were fancy and glam but the shenanigans took the cake! As we mingled and checked out our surroundings we noticed an empty stage that was soon to accommodate the entertainment that moved us throughout the entire evening. The entertainment line up included a partner yoga practice to music with suitable fireworks as a back round, a belly dancer, a fun and talented artists who created a beautiful abstract Buddha on canvas right before our eyes and then there was Ricardo the Conga Fit phenomenon who got even the laziest of people up and shaking rumps in a risky fashion. I was pulled onto the stage in seconds and soon enough my hips were moving uncontrollably and I think my belt busted somewhere in there. Although these things were the major highlights the most exciting part of the evening was the video booth set up in the back corner where guests were encouraged to put on goofy costume pieces and flail around for 10 seconds in front of the camera. A few short minutes later you would be the proud owner of a fabulous keep sake; a moving photo book featuring you and your buddies looking like total idiots. I think every party should have one of these booths.
This evening made me feel very lucky to be a amongst a wonderful group of inspiring people who have encouraged me along the way and who continue to support me on my journey ahead.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

DEC 8 2010

Beautifully Different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful. (Author: Karen Walrond)
Things that make me different are:
-I am overly excitable which leads to overly distractible, destructable and slightly absent minded.
I hardly ever wear black.
-I don't ever want anything from Tim Hortons.
-I cry more than the average 30 year old.
-I think everyone is my best friend.
-I hardly wear a wired bra.
-I only have one pair of heel boots.
-I do not eat gluten, dairy, red meat, chicken, processed foods or candy.
-I bring almond milk to Starbucks.
-I have had over 15 cell phones break down, misplaced or dropped in a toilet.
-I am usually happy and smiling.
-I wake up at 5:30 am for my yoga practice.
-I have a blogspot and I live in Woodbridge.
-I am 30 and not married and Italian.
-I have friends that are farmers who don't ever shave or wear makeup and I live in Woodbridge.
-I am often singing Disney princess songs from start to finish.
-I lived in a tent.
-I have a dinosaur spine.

Things that light people up:
-my clothes
-my hugs
-my food
-my love

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

DEC 7 2010

Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011? (Author: Cali Harris)
I have discovered community through Yoga.
I was a traveling gypsy for most of my late teens and all throughout my 20's. I felt community in fragments throughout these years, like I belonged to something but it was always dressed in a very different costume and set on a very different stage. It was a community that felt full sometimes and deeply lonely at other times. It was lacking truth and I felt that my membership was conditional.
I found Yoga (or it found me) during this time and I was just grazing the surface of what it meant to turn inside as I only did so for a short period of time as I practiced postures as preparation for performance. Over time, I began to experience my true self and clear away the dust that clouded my visibility. It seemed like a natural transition to devote myself to this practice.
I went to India. I felt like my head exploded. I studied religion and culture and Yoga in an ashram over a span of a few months. It felt more real than anything else and as I practiced to strip away the layers of past habits and conditions, I saw it quite clear. My true destiny: to share this gift with others. I felt like I was in the right place, on the right road, that I was a part of a community of like minded people who share the same preferences that I do, the same intent and a belief system that rang true and deep within my heart.
Since then, I discovered community in the very place I was running from. I was weary to return home to the city I grew up in and had been away from for a decade in search for something greater. In that very same place, I had realized that I was a part of this community no matter my geographical location and that what I found in India could never be lost. I began to see that community was everywhere. My idea of community expanded beyond participants and like minded individuals. To me community is the entire universe connecting and pulsating energy as one.
In 2011 I would like to see myself and others continue to join in this infinite community, creating it in each moment and more deeply connecting together.

Monday, December 6, 2010

DEC 6 2010

Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it? (Author: Gretchen Rubin)
The last thing I made was grilled portabello mushroom corn tortillas. I used corn tortillas (of course), tahini sauce that i made with tahini, sesame oil, lemon juice, sunflower oil, water, braggs and a splash of maple syrup, a sliced tomato, kale, the George Foreman grill, a cutting board and a knife.
I would like to make gluten free almond biscotti for friends and family this Christmas.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

DEC 5 2010

Let Go.
This year I let go of my expectation to please everyone. I am always eager to please. I have been known to become mutable because of this. I worry a lot about how others perceive me or if I am doing the right thing according to what someone else might think. I have compromised my truths in moments of insecurity and in desiring one's approval. Like most other people, I want to be loved and so I grip or cling to reactions in order to rate my successes.
I have come to realize that this has only caused me more harm than good and in my efforts to please others I have caused them harm as well. If I come from a place of abundance and contentment I am blessed with unexpected gifts. If I stop thinking about what others think than I can live my truth and discover my purpose in order to live my true destiny.
All is coming if I let go of the idea of what is to come.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

DEC 4 2010

WONDER: How did I cultivate a sense of wonder in my life this year?
I am dedicated to my practice.
I make a great effort to plant delicious seeds. I take time to look at the weeds that share the same ground and get to know them well. I use my tools to delicately manicure the foundation. I am getting to know the layers that make up my garden patch. I am deepening a connection. I am present and aware of the changes that occur. Each day I am given a gift. A flower, a weed, an unexpected foreign object that gets thrown in...and each day I am standing in awe at the beauty of all creation.

Friday, December 3, 2010

DEC 3 2010

One moment when I felt most alive this year:
The room fell silent even though I knew there was noise. My physical body disappeared even though I knew it was still there. I felt incredible space even though I had my teacher lying on my back squishing me so deeply into my seated forward fold. I had no external senses but a clear internal sense of complete freedom. It was after my very first drop back without assistance and before my very last idea that my Ashtanga practice could not bring me the peace and stillness that I have attained in other yoga practices.

DEC 2 2010

What is something I do each day that does not contribute to my writing?

This is a stumper. I can think of many things that do not contribute to my writing and then quickly come to realize that even those things somehow also contribute. If I didn't eat or sleep or worry or shop or argue or pay bills or spend too much time on my computer instead of doing laundry or gossip or have too much coffee or drop my phone twice a day...
I wouldn't have anything creative to write about.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

DEC 1 2010

Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word: COURAGE.
in the start of 2010 i had built high walls to protect me from the instability that the years prior were so very full of. i was influenced by others and their morals and values and tried them on for size. i made decisions with my brain and not my heart. i fought for things that i thought were right because i had attached myself to them. i experienced the great exhaustion brought on by clinging. i suffered a little, i hurt a lot, i looked inside and then i embraced change. i turned a corner, looking ahead with an open heart to new possibilities. i found my truth. i regenerated a connection to my soul. i was given a gift. i was tossed a challenge. i was able to respond with my heart and my truths. i took a risk. i stood my ground. i dreamed a dream.
i am using my energy to fulfill my destiny.

One word that I would like to capture the year to come: BLISS.