Tuesday, December 14, 2010

DEC 14 2010

Appreciate. What’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it? (Author: Victoria Klein)

Family. I have always appreciated my family but this year I have come to especially appreciate them. I moved back in with my family after years of "gypsy'ing" around and I thought that this would only last a few months. As I made my transition back from India and into a new career plan I found myself nesting in my parents home and now almost two full years later, I am still here and I part of me never wants to leave. I feel the support that my family gives to me more now than ever before. I know that although I drive them crazy with things like leaving lights on and stuff being out of order, they are very happy to have me around. I feel a part of a very special thing and my little niece is the very center of it all. We are expecting another member to the family just before Christmas (we hope!) and I am so grateful to be around to give my time, support and helping hand.
I am terrible at expressing my gratitude for my family. I mean, I make little attempts to respect their ideas, thank them for the little things they do for me, make sure that I am cleaning up after myself (although that could always use some improving), help with the dishes and be around for my niece and things like that but I could take more time out of my busy schedule to do more to make their lives easier. I know that a good house cleaning chore is much appreciated by my mother and that can really take a load off her shoulders. I find it so difficult to allot time for these things as I am always rushing around with work and other obligations. I guess this is a good time to think of the many ways that I can express my gratitude for my family and take action. Good prompt.

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