Sunday, December 26, 2010

DEC 24 2010

Everything's OK. What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead?

The one moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright is when my little nephew Nicholas was born. Just five days old today, he has already brought an abundance of peace and joy to our family and friends this holiday season. I was honored to witness his very first breath as I was there when he entered the world. During my sister's labor, an array of emotions stirred throughout the birthing room. There were moments when I felt worried and fearful that something could go wrong as this tiny miracle worked his way out of the womb and into our arms. All I could do was support, hope and stay calm for my sister and ignore the fact that a part of me was as terrified, nervous and excited as could ever be. Then the pushing began and suddenly I could see the top of his head and there were these few minutes when he was between the birth canal and the bed sheets and I just wanted him out and free so that I could see that he was OK. The moment when his little self was finally fully out was so emotional and relieving that all we could do was let out a huge sigh and burst into tears! Not only was everything alright but we filled with joy and ecstasy to see this tiny miracle occur. This moment was full of wonder, excitement and shear awe. It was a reminder of how precious life is and how lucky I am to be alive.
I will incorporate that discovery into 2011 by remembering what a gift it is to be alive, to appreciate the simple things in life and not to sweat the small stuff.

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