Friday, December 17, 2010

DEC 16 2010

Friendship. How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst?

My friends are very inspiring and are almost all working to create positive changes in the world. My best friend Andrea Maldonado has changed me and my perspective on the world by keeping me alert and aware of my daily contributions to bettering the universe. Andrea is working for The Stop Community Food Centre's at the Green Barn's after-school program teaching children about the food system. I have been friends with Andrea for over six years now and she has always been engaged in projects and activities that bring awareness to pressing issues regarding sustainable food and housing as well as ways for people to contribute to keeping our world a greener place. I was born and raised in a very Italian community in the suburbs where materialistic people are not to hard to find. It seems that status can be largely dependent on the amount of money one has or may look like they have and that the more high end materials one can own or acquire, the more respect given. I grew up in high school under the assumption that Diesel Jeans and BMW's were the kinds of things that got you ahead in life. Once I expanded my horizon, moved away from home and began associating with different kinds of thinkers, I broke free from my narrow minded outlook and began realizing that there were more important things in life to focus on than my image. I met Andrea in Halifax in the summer of 2004. We were both from Toronto and she was there visiting my roommate Chelsi for a week. I could see right away that she was a very intelligent, inspiring, tough skinned and beautiful girl. Andrea ended up staying with us for the entire summer and we became very close. She became my dear friend, teacher, sister and confident and we have remained friends ever since. Andrea encourages me to stand on my own feet and face the world in it's rawest of forms, to fight for what I want, to believe in myself and know that I can make a difference. She continues to inspire me daily reminding me that life is not about what you have, it's about what you do. I am humbled by her actions and her example. Andrea makes me want to be a better person everyday. I feel very lucky to call her my best friend.

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